Transforma tu Aula en un Espacio de Innovación, Descubrimiento y Adaptabilidad
Make your classroom a place of innovation, exploration, and adaptation
Descubriremos juntos un buen puñado de herramientas, basadas en la IA, que nos ayudará a transformar, innovar y adaptar nuestras clases permitiendo que la labor docente se centre en lo más importante: el alumnado.
During this session, we will discover together a number of tools based on artificial intelligence that will be useful in transforming, innovating, and adapting the way we teach, allowing us to focus on what is most important: the students.
Ponente/Guest Speaker: José M. Rincón
José M. Rincón cuenta con una Licenciatura en Filología Anglogermánica, obtenida entre los años 1985 y 1990. Desde 1991, ha estado dedicado a la enseñanza del inglés en secundaria como profesor en la escuela pú. En el año 2022, tuvo el honor de desempeñar el cargo de Asesor Técnico Docente para la Junta de Andalucía. Además, José posee diversas certificaciones que respaldan su amplia experiencia en el ámbito educativo, tales como Google Certified Trainer, Google Certified Innovator #SWE19 y Google Certified Coach. También ha obtenido la certificación de Apple Teacher. Ha tenido el privilegio de ser embajador de varias plataformas educativas, entre ellas WeVideo, Google Applied Digital Skills, Mote, CitB, Magic School Pioneer, Flip, Wakelet, Book Creator y Quizizz. José considera que la tecnología desempeña un papel fundamental como herramienta para promover la igualdad de oportunidades sociales, y está comprometido en su integración efectiva en el ámbito educativo.
José M. Rincón holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Philology, obtained between 1985 and 1990. Since 1991, he has been dedicated to teaching English in secondary as a teacher in public schools. In 2022, he had the honor of serving as a Technical Teaching Advisor for the Junta de Andalucía. Additionally, José holds various certifications that support his extensive experience in the educational field, such as Google Certified Trainer, Google Certified Innovator #SWE19, and Google Certified Coach. He has also obtained the Apple Teacher certification. He has had the privilege of being an ambassador for various educational platforms, including WeVideo, Google Applied Digital Skills, Mote, CitB, Magic School Pioneer, Flip, Wakelet, Book Creator, and Quizizz. José believes that technology plays a fundamental role as a tool to promote social equality, and is committed to its effective integration in the educational environment.